Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A post a day... for a whole month???

My sister has done this thing where she has done a post a day, for a whole month! I have to admit, I love reading her posts each day. Some days they are long and thought out, some days they are just quick right before she hits the sack. I have to admit, I have thought about what a good idea it is, and how much I would like to do it. Well, "like" is the operative word. I think it is a great idea, anyway. Well, she is doing it again, and I mentioned that if she ever did it again, I may try it. She started it yesterday (I know, not at the beginning of the month) so I am thinking that I may gear up for the month of July. Summers are so busy, so I don't know how long I'll last, but I think I'm going to go for it.

On another totally strange, but "pee your pants" it's so funny note... here is a link to a post my cousin did on her blog. I think of it often and how funny she is. She doesn't post often, (meaning a post a day) but when she does, her posts are very funny. This post will only be REALLY funny if you've actually borne children, but happy reading to those of you who haven't, anyway. Here's the link: Someone who knows my pain.

1 comment:

Charisse Baxter said...

Oh, totally go for it - you'll find yourself thinking of all kinds of things to blog about, and feel free to do "cheater" posts where you just put up a quote, or link to someone else's blog, or put up a video or something you see somewhere else. The real trick is keeping track of all the fun things you want to put up! (Which is also why, last time, I occasionally ended up with more than one post a day.) I'm excited to see what you do!